All Things That Are Scales
Download the most popular scales types. Created and designed to be easy to understand and use.
Pentatonics, the modal scales and three note per string scales. They have high quality graphics
that shows fingering, corresponding notes, intervals and a chord overlay for each pattern.
Go to the Scale Page

Free Guitar/Music Software
Here is a link to what I consider some of the best free guitar and music related software on the Internet.
I have personally used them and have found them to be a better value that some of the ones that you pay for. It
shows a user rating for each to let you know what others thought.
Go to the Software Page

You Tube for the Guitar
Nothing but guitar videos! All types, styles from all types of guitar players. If you want
to see someone play you favorite song to try to pick up some tips, check these out. Also, some good video lessons.
It is laid out in a easy to find format with search capabilities. It is worth a look!
Go to Discover Guitar Online

Backing Tracks
Do you need tracks by your favorite bands to jam with? Here are some sites that has a large amount
free backing tracks, that are better than cheap sounding midi files, that you normally find. Lick library is
another site that I use a lot. It has very high quality backing tracks that you can download for a yearly subscription
fee of about $60.00 or pay for one at a time.
Go to Backing Tracks

All Things That Are Chords
Hundreds of chords diagrams to help find that perfect chord
to go in your songs. They are in a printable format, or easy access on the site for viewing. If
you are playing in modes and don't know what chords to play, check out the modal scale chord reference area.

Key Chord Chart
Here is a quick reference chart to make key, chord spellings and intervals all keys easier to understand.
It lets you know if you play in a certain key, what chords to play and what notes, based on the chord spelling, will help
you create a good sounding lead. It is color coded for easy access. A valuable guide for learning theory.
Also, The Circle of Fifths for downloading.
Go find out the basic chords and notes that fit a key

Jam Session Forum
If you have questions about anything to do with guitar, here's is a good place to look for the answers. If
you want to know about what kind of guitar or amp to buy, strings to use, etc? Any question about music theory? This
is your place! It is a forum safe for all. It is moderated very good to keep the undesirables out. You can
look all you want but if you want to participate you need to sign up. In my opinion, one of the best!
P.S. If you see stratmam56 there say hi! It's me!
Go to the Jam Sesson Forum

All Things that are Theory
These sites has so many tools to help you in your journey to become a better player.
The Jazz one has so many books that can be downloaded.
Cyberfret is one of the best if you can get though the all of the ads.
Go to Cyberfret
Go to Guitar Dreams
Go to Justin Guitar
Go to Jazz Resources

User Reviews
If you are looking to buy a new guitar, amp, pickups etc. Read what others think that bought it.
Harmony Central is the gold standard for instrument and accessory reviews. Be informed before you buy!
Go to Harmony Central reviews

Misc Teaching Resources
Materials such as blank tab sheets, guitar fretboard sheets and sheet music. The circle of fifths.
Go to Misc Teaching Resources
About Myself
In case you were wondering who I am? First of all I am tall, dark and handsome. Extremely
modest and a savant of the guitar. If you believe this, then, I am selling Fender Squires autographed by myself
for a $1,000. Please send check of money order to: CASH c/o myself.
Click Here To Know More
Free Strap Locks
I order you to drink two of these!
If you take the red rubber seals off the bottle caps; they make great strap locks. Put your
strap on the guitar and then put these on over that. They will hold it on! I like them better that paying $18.00
for a pair of Schallers. The best thing is you get to drink Grolsch, a great Dutch beer, to get the free locks.
In my neighborhood, you can find them in your local supermarket.