All Things That Are Scales

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Note: if you go to the scale page that you need, you can download a full set of that type of scale forms as shown in the samples below in all the popular keys!  See videos and go to a site that explains how the scales work, audio of each scale for comparisons.
Pentatonic Scales
See some videos on the uses for the most used scales in modern music, How to play the five pentatonic positions and one that shows how to jam in A minor.
If you are new to scales, start here.  The pentatonics are the backbone of all the other scales and modes.  The notes contained in the pentatonics are considered the safest notes to play and sound good against chords that lie in a given key.  The most used of all the scales hands down!

Click on the image above to go to the Pentatonic Scale Page

Modal scales 
The great one, Joe Satriani explains them in a two part video!  Plus download the mode patterns in the most popular keys so you can start working on them yourself!

Click on the image above to go to the Modal Scale Page

Click on the image above to go to the Modal Scale Page

Three Note Per String Scales
Just a different way to play forms/modes.  These are my favorites! More symmetrical and offer different phrasing possibilities with more speed since you can play triplets for each string.  More two note interval possibilities.  Happy Shredding!

Click on the image above to go to the Three Note Scale Page

About the Favorite Scales.  They are a combination of modal and three note per string scales.  For myself, they are the best of both!  They also give you the root, 3rd, 5th, & 7th position for each one all on a single page.

Sample Image
Click on the image above to go to my favorites